The division of Finnpilot’s pilot dispatch areas will change, as will the contact details for each area.
Update Jan 16, 2023: Please find the new contact information on our website’s Contacts-section >>
Read our previous press release about the change of pilot dispatch areas >>
The old phone numbers and email addresses will also work for the time being and any calls and emails will be forwarded to the desired area. However, we hope that our customers will switch to the new contact details as soon as possible.
Starting from Jan 16, 2023 there will be seven (7) pilot dispatch areas instead of the current three (3). The new division will make Finnpilot’s pilot dispatch services more efficient by distributing the areas more flexibly and evenly among the pilot dispatchers on duty. This will allow us to serve our customers better and faster, depending on the area with the most traffic at any given time.
The new division starting Jan 16, 2023: